
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

today i am a writer

i've decided to undergo yet another change for this blog. it has been my goal for over a year now to post regularly on my blog as a way to keep a journal, and keep family and friends updated. i haven't met that goal. i've been reading a lot of blogs lately and have discovered what i need is a good theme.
i have always been fascinated by the different roles we all step into every day. in one day, a girl like me can step into the role of student, writer, chef, friend, employee, sister, daughter, hiker, swimmer, skiier, and a thousand other things depending on what she's doing.
so i'm going report on my life and adventures by posting about what role i stepped into that day. hopefully this theme will stick, and will get me motivated to write down my experiences for myself, and for whoever happens to read my posts.


Laura V. ~ A Grace-Filled Classroom said...

I noticed your blog was new. (Clicked on it form Sydney's link). I like where you are going with it. Having a theme for your blog is a great idea! Good luck.
Since you only had 4 posts, I have read your whole blog! Ha! Good luck with being a teacher. I am one and I love it. All I would suggest before going to far with school, is visit a class for a whole day (several grade levels if possible). It will really help you in processing if it's for you. If you've already done this....then you're a smart cookie and can ignore my advice.
Either way, good luck with your new blog and your new career path.

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